Glorifying the Mundane

Glorifying the Mundane does exactly what it says. You might hear about baby carrots and milkshakes. You might hear about the pungent guy on the subway. I can only promise that the absurdity will be ordinary, quintessential and tempered with my acerbic observations.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

AM New York

I am taking an acting class on Tuesday mornings now, so I need to do various things to make up the time at work. I came in early today to be the Receptionist for an Asian diversity brainstorming meeting. Apparently there were tech issues, so everyone had to wait in the Lobby until 8.29am. Not the greatest situation. Nobody likes to wait. Especially not suits and really trashy semi-homeless people. Everyone played nice though. Maybe I am just mis-reading their serious manners.

The absolutely great thing about coming to work this early, is that there are no AM New York hawkers. I hate getting the free newspapers shoved in my face. There is a new lady/man that bellows "AM New York" in a very sing song-y wretched way. It makes me cringe. I think that happens at prime commute time from 8:45am to about 10am at my exiting subway stop for work. Do you also dread the Metro/AM/PM New York newspaper handler? It's irritating and really not even great examples of the written English language. The questions are: Which free daily paper is the least horrible? Why do liberals read the New York Post? Of the weeklies, NY Press is the most punk rock, but very remedial. The Village Voice is decent, but not as useful as Time Out, which unfortunately is not free.

I am getting a pink warning banner that says I am not connected to blogger and my post may not save. I hope that is a lie! Is it possible to alleviate stress in a social manner or to celebrate without alcohol? Well, there is always kava kava. I had 3 beers last night and I feel wretched today. I also woke up with an accelerated heart rate and it is still more rapid than usual. Not a great feeling. No more alcohol. No more caffeine. How can I be true to my hedonistic values?


At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asian diversity brainstorming! you're involved with a company that cares about that? Nice!

I got an Asian diversity brainstorm: how about y'all come up with a campaign to tell asian-american guys to stop with the spikey gelled hair look?


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