Glorifying the Mundane

Glorifying the Mundane does exactly what it says. You might hear about baby carrots and milkshakes. You might hear about the pungent guy on the subway. I can only promise that the absurdity will be ordinary, quintessential and tempered with my acerbic observations.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Anatomically Correct Pig & Manhattan Debut

My first play in NYC closed last night. It was fantastic. I actually had ridiculous stage fright, but 2 out of the 3 shows went really well, and many friends and strangers complimented me. It was terrific for my ego.

I can't breathe out of my nose currently and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that. Usually, I have raw garlic chunks to suck on, but I'm not feeling that right now. I just want to be healthy! I want to go shop at my Co-op, but I'm behind 2 workslots, so I'm tearing through my dry and frozen foods right now.

Also, I bought my dad some presents because he did something nice recently. One of the presents is a carved wooden pig. The thing is that "she" is anatomically correct with a full set of teats and a big vulva. Is it weird that I think that's inappropriate? I'm just not sure if it will do as a thank you present anymore. Luckily, I over-purchased a bit and so the pig is now staring at me from across my desk until I decide what to do.