Glorifying the Mundane

Glorifying the Mundane does exactly what it says. You might hear about baby carrots and milkshakes. You might hear about the pungent guy on the subway. I can only promise that the absurdity will be ordinary, quintessential and tempered with my acerbic observations.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

No More Baby Carrots

Today so far I have eaten nothing. I have drank a little Takashimaya black tea with roses. So good. I have a package of full size carrots, but no babies. I was asking my vegan friend for advice on cooking Tilapia over the phone as I shopped on Sunday afternoon at Back to the Land. She advised me to buy the full size carrots as the babies are mechanically extruded and are, thus, worse for the environment. Has my love affair with baby carrots come to an end?? How depressing!

Before work I plan to 1) shower 2) get dressed up for the 25 art openings I'm going to tonight 3) pack an outfit for Sonja Eklund to wear tonight 4) eat breakfast 5) shave a carrot and bring it to work in a small bag

At work I plan to 1) work 2) send off 10-20 resumes and headshots to acting jobs 3) polish up my day job resume 4) look for new day jobs online 5) be nice to my co-workers 6) clean out the bowels of my desk 7) take a long lunch break

I had a dream last night that a director (with an Eastern European name) emailed me to schedule an audition. All these non-pay films are "audition by appt. only," which is ridiculous because they are unpaid. I also had a dream that I was driving around my car (which doesn't exist in reality) and craving ice cream. I went to dairy queen.

Went to see the psychic Geotran practitioner last week. She said I'm going to be leaving to work on a film in Europe sometime this Fall. However, I have to start applying for jobs NOW in order to book that job. Yes!! Also, I'm soon going to be the proud owner of 3 eco-friendly apartments, all with an outdoor space of some kind and at least one will have a garden. One is in Rome, one in Manhattan and one in El Lay. Kudos to me!


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