Dead White Men
Is it possible that I have outgrown chick lit.? This would be a heinous tragedy as it has been one of my mainstays for years. Hopefully, I am just temporarily not in the mood.
I was reading Melissa Bank's "The Wonder Spot" which I find better than "A Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing," however I haven't been able to bring myself to finish it yet. I found some great books in my neighbor's garbage as well. I've been reading "The Boy Next Door," which is a novel written entirely in the email form. As soon as the book seems to start developing a happy ever after ending, I seem forced to put it down. This is puzzling to me since, I decided in 1999 that I would only read books with happy endings because it made my real life bearable. I do make the occaisional exception, such as for "The Virgin's Knot," which rocked my world. I also decided to limit my ingestion of books by Dead White Men. I especially hated Dickens. But the BBC dramatizations of Dickens are really winning me over. Characters like Mr. Guppy and Mr. Smallweed. Good stuff. Well, I suppose life is fluid and maybe I am now able to branch out into new genres. I've always wondered if I could read Hemingway now and like it. I liked him in high school, but I'm quite afraid if I go back to H. now, my feminism would crush my illusions and fond memories.
I've been off caffeine for a few weeks now and it is quite difficult to go to work when one is caffeine free. It's also challenging to clean one's desk/home and to complete tasks that are not inspiring to your soul. Hmph. I may have to remind my soul that it is unnatural to live in filth and that bills must be paid. Or maybe I'll just up my caffeine level. I saw an interesting pop up today on the internet advertising a patch that will shoot caffeine into your skin and your bloodstream. Is it cheaper than a double iced latte? I don't know.